Bank Holidays 2023 in the UK
Discover the Ultimate Guide to Bank Holidays 2023 in the UK! Get ready for an Epic Year of Fun, Relaxation, and Adventure. Plan Your Breaks Now
If you’re living in the UK or planning a visit in 2023, it’s important to know about the bank holidays. These special days can affect everything from your travel plans to when you might receive certain benefits. But what exactly are bank holidays, and when are they in 2023? Let’s dive in and find out!

Understanding Bank Holidays
Bank holidays are specific days when banks and other businesses are closed for the day, a tradition that dates back to the Bank Holidays Act of 1871. They were initially intended just for banks, but over time, other types of businesses, schools, and the government also began to observe these holidays.
It’s worth noting, though, that employers in the UK are not required by law to give employees paid leave on bank holidays.
The Origin of Bank Holidays
Bank holidays were first introduced by Sir John Lubbock, a scientific writer, banker, and politician. In 1871, he drafted the Bank Holiday Bill, which, when it became law, created the first official bank holidays.

Bank Holidays in the UK
In the UK, the number of bank holidays varies by country. England and Wales typically have eight bank holidays, Scotland has nine, and Northern Ireland has ten.
England and Wales
In England and Wales, the bank holidays for 2023 are as follows:
- 29 May (Spring bank holiday)
- 28 August (Summer bank holiday)
- 25 December (Christmas Day)
- 26 December (Boxing Day)
In Scotland, the bank holidays for 2023 are as follows:
- 29 May (Spring bank holiday)
- 7 August (Summer bank holiday)
- 30 November (St Andrew’s Day)
- 25 December (Christmas Day)
- 26 December (Boxing Day).